May 9, 2023
App Development

Managing Remote App Development Teams: Strategies for Optimal Efficiency

Effective Instruments For Managing Remote App Development Teams

In one of our latest articles, “The Future of Work in the IT Industry: Trends and Technologies Shaping the Workforce”, we’ve discussed the latest trends in the technology workforce and one of them is the rise of remote work. In the past few years, remote work has become more popular than ever before, and many companies are now embracing remote work as a long-term strategy. For companies that have app development teams, managing a remote workforce can be challenging. However, with the right tools in place, remote teams can be just as productive as in-person teams. This article will explore effective instruments for managing remote app development teams, including the use of a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) to measure performance and provide feedback.

Performance Improvement Plan for the Professional Development

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a structured process used by employers to help employees improve their performance. It typically involves setting clear goals and expectations, identifying areas where the employee needs to improve, and providing guidance and support to help them meet those goals.

The most common types of performance improvement plans are:

  • Quality PIP

Employees who produce substandard work or lack attention to detail need a quality plan.

  • Communication PIP

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and errors, so a communication plan can help employees improve their communication skills.

  • Time Management PIP

Employees who struggle with managing their time effectively can benefit from a time management plan.

  • Sales PIP

Sales employees who do not meet their sales goals or fail to close deals require a sales plan.

  • Customer Service PIP

Employees who struggle with providing excellent customer service need a customer service plan.

  • Productivity PIP

A productivity plan can help employees who fail to meet their productivity goals.

A performance improvement plan typically includes the following elements:

  • Performance deficiencies: The specific areas in which the employee is underperforming are identified.
  • Performance expectations: The manager and employee agree on the specific expectations for improvement and the timeline for achieving them.
  • Action plan: The manager and employee develop a clear plan of action to address the performance deficiencies, including training, coaching, and additional resources.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: The manager and employee agree on a process for monitoring and evaluating progress, including regular check-ins and feedback.

Benefits of Performance Improvement Plan are: 

  • Increases employee engagement and motivation, improving their job performance and productivity.
  • Improves enhances communication and collaboration, and develops employees' skills and knowledge.
  • Builds trust and loyalty.
  • Enhances customer satisfaction, increasing profitability and revenue.
  • Improves reputation and brand image. 

A PIP should be used when an employee is not meeting performance expectations. It provides a structured approach to identifying the root causes of underperformance and developing an action plan to address them. 

Measure Performance and Provide Feedback

In addition to using a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), it's important to measure performance and provide feedback regularly. This includes setting performance metrics and goals, tracking progress against these goals, and providing feedback on areas for improvement. By doing so, you can help ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that performance expectations are clear.

Some effective ways include:

  • Set clear expectations and goals

Before starting a project, clearly define the goals and expectations for each team member. This will help them understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be measured.

  • Providing Frequent Feedback

Managers should provide frequent feedback to remote team members, particularly those who are struggling. This helps team members stay on track and provides an opportunity for course correction if needed.

  • Utilizing Performance Metrics

Performance metrics can help managers track progress and identify areas for improvement. For example, tracking software development metrics such as lines of code, bug resolution time, and code review completion rates can provide valuable insights into the performance of remote app development teams.

  • Conducting Regular Performance Reviews

Regular performance reviews can help managers evaluate the overall performance of remote app development teams. These reviews should be conducted at least annually and should include a discussion of the employee's strengths and areas for improvement.

By implementing these instruments, you can effectively measure performance and provide feedback for remote app development teams. It is important to remember that effective performance measurement and feedback require ongoing effort and a commitment to open communication and collaboration.


Managing remote app development teams requires a different approach than managing traditional office-based teams. Clear communication, the use of technology, establishing trust, setting goals and expectations, and encouraging collaboration are key instruments for managing remote teams effectively. Additionally, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) can be an effective tool to improve the performance of underperforming team members. Measuring performance and providing feedback regularly is also critical to ensure that remote teams remain productive and engaged.

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